
So, what things has WoW not ripped off? If any of you can recognize what song this is ripped off of (I took a screenshot), I will reward you with 5 cookies and 2 points towards any sexual favors. *snicker*

Dorian Gray Anyone?

I found a picture of me when I was 17 (back in 1997). To my surprise, I haven’t changed a bit since I was 17. And I’m 28 now. The only noticeable difference is the fact that I gained weight since then. It’s weird how little I changed.

This is the one taken in 1997.

This one was taken in 2008.


My god, people do need to grow the hell up. I was playing World of Warcraft and had asked a question over the chat channel. Someone decided to be smart with me. So I called them a goof. They then got incredibly mad at me. I told them that they needed to grow the fuck up. Who the hell gets upset over the word “goof”?


This is why I dislike the WoW community so much. In fact, I fucking despise the WoW community. Why can’t I call someone a goof without being accused of “going there”?

As Blake said, this was probably a 12 year old cock sucker. I really enjoy the game play, but the community just ruins it for me. It ruined it so much I may decide to just cancel my account. The people I’ve played with in Everquest have never been this asshole-ish. Maybe because the community has been around for 9 years. I don’t know. Whatever.

90% of people who play World of Warcraft who childish douche bags.


So, on Live Journal, I’m a part of this community called Girl Gamers, right? Someone mentioned that Guitar Hero is coming to the Nintendo DS. Guess who’s gonna buy it? Me. That’s right. I’m that much of a douche bag. Yes I yams. Here’s the Wikipedia link: Linkage. It comes out on June 22nd in the U.S. I’ll have to stop over at my local Game Stop and ask them how much it costs, when it comes out on the release date. Probably expensive as fuck, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it. 😛

I’m hoping that they come out with more songs for the DS. Would be pretty sweet.

Update: Found the game on Amazon on pre-order (link: link). Yay! 😛

Happy Memorial Day

How is everyone celebrating their day? I got to sleep in until 1:30PM. Then my parents came home with food from KFC. I only had one piece of chicken. I couldn’t eat anymore. It’s so ridiculously greasy. I feel like my arteries are going to collapse from clogging. I also had one biscuit, but that’s because KFC biscuits are so yummies. 😛

I wanted to have a BBQ, because hamburgers prepared on a charcoal grill is so yummy with those charred on carcinogens. But, in order to prepare the food to get cooked, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Plus, it would only be my parents, Blake, and me. If we had a whole shit load of people here, it’d be different. We’d be grillin’ like a motherfucker. Oh well. Plus, for some odd reason, charcoal grills smell better than propane. *shrug*

Hope everyone has a great day.


Today was a long day for me. I went to see my therapist at 1PM, then I came home. Around 4:30PM, I had to run off to ACME (Albertson’s in other parts of the country). While in the supermarket, this fatty bubalatty (like I have any room to talk, but still) stopped me in one of the aisles and started talking to me. It just seemed strange that this person I didn’t even know started talking to me about her medications and her therapy sessions and how much welfare has to pay for it. Blah blah blah and another million blahs later, she starts to walk away. 5 steps up, she turns around and starts talking again. It’s like, what the fuck. Leave me the fuck alone. I don’t care how much you have to pay for medications and doctor visits. I’m not your therapist.

I don’t know. When I’m out shopping, I hate being disturbed. I just want to go in and get out as soon as possible because I despise shopping. Which is strange because I’m a woman. Women loooooooooove to shop. Me.. I hate it. I just wanna go in, get what I need and get the fuck out and go home. Blah.

EQ Forums

Since September 2004, I currently have 1166 posts in the EQ1 forums. Not impressive, since people have over 10k posts.

In other news, my parents are off of work for the rest of the week. Fun fun. *rolls eyes* I have to deal with them and such. Blah. It’s not so much my Mom who bothers me. It’s my Dad. Every little problem he has, he has to pester Blake and I. I’m surprised he hasn’t asked us how to wipe his ass yet. I just simply gave up on trying to help him. If you try to explain something to him and try to show him how to do something, he’ll forget 5 minutes later. How is it that people around my Dad’s age can figure shit out on their own, but him.. he can’t figure out nuthin’.

I can’t wait until I move out of my house. As soon as I get my degree and get a job, I’m definitely looking for an apartment somewhere else. I just can’t stand here it anymore. He drives me nuts.


You know, for the life of me, I cannot find any mouse shaped mice on the internet. And yes, I would love to buy a mouse that actually looks like a mouse. There’s Hello Kitty mice, penguin mice, heart shaped mice, car shaped mice, etc. But, no mouse shaped mice. WTF? Everyone can come out with these retarded looking mice, but no one with a brain can come up with a mouse shaped one? Maybe I should do some more searching. *grumble*

Starbucks’ New Logo

So, I’m watching the local news. And they had a news report about Starbucks’ new logo.

They reported that a Christian group called “The Resistance” wanted to start a boycott against Starbucks because of the logo.

My opinion?

I think these people should find better shit to worry about than some stupid logo. C’mon now. Let me see. Here’s a list of REAL things to worry about:

  • The Government
  • IRS Stimulus Checks (due to their fuck ups)
  • Catholic priests molesting our children
  • Murder/Rape and any other hideous crime
  • President Bush bankrupting this country into hell

Get my point? A stupid logo showing a naked mermaid is nothing. How about worrying about more important things?

These people have sticks up their asses and need to get a grip on reality. We need to worry about what shape we’re leaving the planet when we pass away. What will our children deal with when we pass away, after a lifetime of destroying our environment? How about worrying about that instead of some stupid logo?

Sex and Stuff.

So, I was thinking about starting a blog about sex. And just let people ask me stuff about sex and I’d answer. I wouldn’t even mind if I received weird sex questions. 😛 I haven’t customized the blog yet, but we’ll see how that goes.

In other news, it’s raining outside. Lovely. I only enjoy it when I don’t have to go anywhere for the day. Otherwise, if I have to go out, it’s like.. “blah”. *shrug*

I don’t really have anything interesting to say today. I’m just bored shitless, with nothing to do. I’ve been playing World of Warcraft lately. Eh, it’s an okay game. I haven’t made any friends in the game yet, but oh well. I’m pretty sure as I level up, I’ll make more friends. Blake finally got Scions of Fate working on my computer the day. So, I’ll be playing with him. For some odd reason, I couldn’t get the game to work on my computer. Something to do with signed drivers. Games are so retarded sometimes.

By the way, in case any of you are wondering, I did indeed forget to take pictuers or video’s of my friend from Pittsburgh. Because I’m a forgetful douche bag. 😛 I do have the picture he sent me through e-mail, but it’s not the greatest picture. Oh well. We had fun, but I was bored majority of the time. He kept going on and on about video game’s. *yawn*

Mmm… Jell-o!

So, I made some sugar free Jell-o today. Just because it has less calories than regular stuff. So, I looked up gelatin on Wikipedia and guess what it’s made out of?

Mmmmm..! Delicious! Almost makes me wanna go out and eat some right this second! Yummers!

Gave In

I gave in. I started playing World of Warcraft. I started playing about a couple days ago. Because I was curious and wanted to give it a second try. Currently I’m playing a gnome warlock.

It’s an okay game. Not the best I’ve ever played. Everquest, by far is the bestest game ever! I don’t care what anyone says. WoW just doesn’t compare. It may have cutesy graphics, but I just enjoy playing EQ much more. And no, I’m not a EQ “fanboi”. The biggest thing that ruins it for me about WoW is the community. Most of the people I’ve encountered in the game or on the forums have all been about how big their “e-peens” are and about how much noobs suck. Blah.

Ha Ha

I found this on Wikipedia.

Good for the bastard. I think Jack Thompson should rot in hell. So there.

Free Album

It appears that Trent Reznor decided to give out his latest album away for free (link : http://theslip.nin.com/). Which is pretty sweet.

That is all.

Oh yes. One more thing.

Chicken Butt.
